Python Backend

Build the Backbone of Tech: Python Backend Development at Techyes Education

Python Backend Developer Course In Marathahalli

Develop the Backbone of Web Applications with Our Python Backend Developer Course.

Enhance your programming prowess with Techyse Education’s Python Backend Developer course, tailored to equip you with the core skills necessary for crafting robust backend systems. Set in Marathahalli, our course bridges theory with practical application, providing hands-on experience in developing scalable and efficient web applications.

Python Backend Developer Course

Techyse Education’s Python Backend Developer course in Marathahalli is designed for aspiring developers who aim to master the critical aspects of backend development using Python. This intensive training program delves deep into Python programming, focusing on essential backend technologies such as Django and Flask, databases like PostgreSQL and MongoDB, and RESTful API development. Our curriculum is structured to cover both the foundational skills and advanced techniques needed to build dynamic and robust server-side applications.

In addition to technical skills, our course emphasizes best practices in code optimization and system architecture, preparing students to handle the complexities of real-world development projects. Our experienced instructors, who are seasoned developers themselves, provide personalized guidance and insights into the industry’s demands. Through a combination of theoretical lessons, practical workshops, and project-based learning, graduates of Techyse Education are well-equipped to thrive in competitive tech environments and advance their careers as proficient Python backend developers.

Python Backend Developer Course Content

Our Python Backend Developer course offers a robust curriculum designed to immerse students in the essential aspects of backend development. Topics include Python programming fundamentals, framework utilization with Django and Flask, database management, API creation, and real-world project deployment. This comprehensive coverage ensures that students gain practical, hands-on experience necessary for professional success.

Python Syllabus


· What is Python?

· History of Python

· Who Uses Python?

· Features of Python

· Python Applications

· Python Versions

Software & Installation

· How to Download and Install Python

· Online Python IDLE

· Python Real-time IDEs like Spyder, Jupyter Note Book, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code ..etc

Python Language Fundamentals

· Print statement

· Python VS JAVA

· Identifiers

· Keywords/ Reserved words

· Constants & Variables

· Data types

· Simple Input & Output

· Comments in Python

· Output Formatting

Operators In Python

· Arithmetic Operators

· Assignment Operators

· Comparison Operators

· Logical Operators

· Identity Operators

· Membership Operators

· Bitwise operators

· Terinary Operator

Python Program Flow (Conditional, Iterative & Transfer Statements)

· Indentation

· If

· If-else

· If-elif-else

· Nested-if

· for

· while

· Nested loops

· Break

· Continue

· Pass


· Creating

· Formatting

· Indexing

· Slicing

· String methods


· Creating

· Properties

· Indexing

· Slicing

· Methods

· Modifying lists

· List Comprehension


· Syntax

· Properties

· Indexing

· Slicing

· Methods


· Syntax

· Updating

· Operations

· Methods

Dictionaries in Python

· Syntax,

· Keys/values/items,

· Accessing

· Methods

· Dictionary Comprehension


· Advantages of functions

· Built-in functions

· User defined functions

· Parameters

· Return statement

· Types of Arguments (Positional, Keyword, Default & Variable length)

· Global & Local variables

· Anonymous/Lambda functions (filter(), map(), reduce())

· Nested Functions

· Decorators

· Generators

Modules & Packages

· Creating a Module

· Different ways of import

· Built-in modules (math, random)

File and Directory Handling

· Opening and Closing of Files

· Reading, Writing and Appending to Files

· The with statement

· seek() and tell() methods

· Pickling and Unpickling of objects

Exception Handling & Types of Errors

· Why exception handling?

· Syntax error v/s Runtime error

· Exception codes – AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…

· Handling multiple exceptions with single except block

· try-except-finally

· try with finally

· raise keyword

· Custom exceptions / User defined exceptions

Regular expressions

· String v/s Regular expression string

· “re” module functions

· Match()

· Search()

· Split()

· Findall()

· Compile()

· Sub()

· Subn()

· Expressions using operators and symbols

Python Data Base Communication (PDBC)

· File system v/s DBMS

· Python – MySQL/Oracle connector

· Install cx_Oracle

· connect() method

· Cursor Object methods

· execute() method

· executeMany() method

· fetchone()

· fetchmany()

· fetchall()

· Static queries v/s Dynamic queries

· Transaction management

Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)

· What is Class

· What is Object

· Constructor

· Difference between Constructor and Method

· Types of Variables (Instance, Static, Local)

· Accessing and Deleting variables

· Types of Methods (instance, Class, Static)

· Setter and Getter Methods

· Inner Classes

· Garbage Collection, Destructors

· Polymorphism

· Operator Overloading

· Method Overloading

· Constructor Overloading

Multi Threading  

· Multitasking

· active_count() function

· enumerate() function

· isAlive(0 function

· Thread Class

· Daemon threads

NumPy Package

· Array attributes (shape, ndim, itemsize, flags)

· Creating Array from existing data

· Creating Array from Numerical ranges

· Indexing

· Slicing

· Iterations

· Array manipulation

· Operators

· Functions

· Copies & Views

Pandas Package

· Series

· Dataframes

· Descriptive statistics

· Indexing, Sorting and iteration

· Window functions

· Missing data handling

· grouping

· Merging/Joining

· Aggregation

· Concatenation

Django Syllabus:


· Web framework

· Frontend overview

· Backend overview

· Django History

· Django vs Other Frameworks

Django Basics

· Various IDE’s (IDLE, VS Code, PyCharm, Atom)

· Python Installation

· Django Installation

· Creating Virtual environment

· Create Project

· Create Application

· Django Project vs Application

· Http Request flow

· Project with Single Application

· Project with Multiple Applications

URLs (Routing) and Views

· Create file

· Mapping urls with view functions

· Django views (function based)

Django Templates and Static Files

· Create template

· Render function

· Template tags

· Static files & it’s Use

Models and Databases

· Database Introduction

· MVT Architecture

· Configuration of Different databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle)

· Creating Model Class

· Convert Model class into SQL code

· Django Admin Interface

· Create Super User

Django Forms

· Forms Advantages

· Create Forms

· CSRF token

· Form Validations

· Create Model Form

· Develop Model Forms with Models

Advanced Templates Features

· Template Inheritance

· Template Filters

· Template tags for relative URLs

Session Management

· Using Cookies

· Session API

· URL Rewriting

· Hidden Form Fields

User Authentication and Authorization

· Static and Media Folders

· Configure Static and Media Folders

CRUD Operations with Views

· Class Based Views

· Function Based Views

· Create view

· Update view

· Delete view

· Fetch objects

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Python Backend Developer Course

Techyse Education

Advance your career with cutting-edge software training at Techyse Education. Discover a world of opportunities in Marathahalli, where expertise meets practical learning.

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